The Idea, Context And Purpose:

The Rainbow Lit Fest – Queer And Inclusive, seeks to be inclusive, bringing together different identities and sections of society to explore common ground. The hope is that ultimately we collectively stitch together more informed narratives about diversity. Sitting pretty much at the intersections of alternative and mainstream, the Fest is a mix of different forms of expression such as prose, poetry, art, music, dance, films, talks and discussions. The languages in use will be English, Hindi and Urdu.
The LGBTQIA+ community does not exist in isolation and finds itself up against the common binaries that women and other identities face. Be it patriarchy, depiction and profiling through generalities in the media to the class and caste system, the Fest hopes to engage with these truths to share stories and ideas that hopefully stitch together a more informed narrative of diversity, existence and co-existence.
The Rainbow Literature Fest believes that literature and art should be accessible and speak for as many as possible, particularly those who aren’t ‘usually’ heard. This is why we have no restriction on entries except that you must register for the Fest in advance so that we don’t run out of sitting or standing space within the near 12000 square feet of area we have at the beautiful Gulmohar Park Club.