Kabir Maan

My name is Kabir Maan. I am a Delhi based Dalit Transman. I am a trained Primary School Teacher from SCERT (State Council of Educational Research and Training) New Delhi.

Dropped out from Jamia millia islamia university (Mass-Media hindi patrkarita degree course) due to emotional and mental abuse, which I have faced because of my gender identity, because my identity I have faced problems in all the Educational institute/college/school.

I have been a part of some adventures activity like cycling expeditions kashmir to Delhi 2013, Delhi to bagha border 2014 & 2015. I also participated in india’s longest travel train journey called “Jagriti yatra” 2017-2018. In 2020 I have completed India’s first mountain (friendship peak) climbing expeditions in dehradun & made a world record with 25 other Transgender people. 

Since 2018 -2022 I was working full time as a “Educational facilitator” I ran a campaign called “Aao baat karein” where I do sessions on Eradication of Sexual Abuse, Sex Education, Menstruation Hygine and Gender Sensitization.

Till now I have educated more than 15000 kids & 5000+ teachers and parents Pan india.

 I am featured amongst the 75 Indians for Outlook magazine’s 75 Years of Indian Independence issue in August 2022.


  • Featured by P Sainath’s PARI. Network in 2021


  • Featured in a short movie by Disney Star “Words of pride -Queer languages” 2023

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